Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Masala Macaroni.

We all are familiar with the kids extreme fondness of Mac and cheese... keeping this in mind and trying to make it more fun and nutritious ended up trying this masala macaroni!!!!
Thanks to my kids and their friends for trying it the first time I made this recipe, they really liked it.

Macaroni pasta- 2 cups.( cooked to andante)
1 small onion.
1 large tomato.
1 small cup of frozen mixed veggies of corn,carrots, and peas.
1 tsp tomato paste.
1 tsp chili flakes.
1 tsp Italian seasoning.
1 large green chilli(optional).

Start by preparing all the veggies-chop onion and tomato and slit the chilli into two.
Cook the macaroni pasta to aldante(in salted water).
In a large pan, heat oil and once the oil is hot, add chilli flakes followed by onion. Fry till onion turns translucent.
Add the chopped tomatoes and frozen veggies and continue frying till the veggies turn soft, lastly add tomato paste and Italian seasoning. Fry till the mixture looks like a gravy.
Finally add the cooked macaroni and mix well, adjust the salt and serve hot.
Good to eat on a cold day.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Beets(Beetroot) Biryani!

            I had very few recipes to try with beets, generally made a dry curry or kootu. Beets are rich in their nutritive value and it is good to use them frequently in our diets. This recipe really comes in handy, and it tastes good. I have tried this recipe a couple of times. Do try it.

Beets- 2( medium size beets).
Onion- 1 medium.
Tomatoes - 1 large.
Cilantro- 1 cup, finely chopped.
Mint- 1 cup, finely chopped.
Green chili- 2 nos.
Chilli powder- 1 tsp.
Ginger garlic paste- 1 tsp.
Peas- 1 cup.
2-3 pieces of the following spices- Cinnamon,Clove, bay
/Pulao leaves.
1 spoon each of cumin, somp and coriander seeds.
Cardamom- 1.
Curd- 1/2 cup.
Rice- 2 cups.
Oil- 5-6 tbsp.

Prep the vegetables.
First of all chop the beets into 1 inch cubes and keep aside. Rough Chop the mint and cilantro leaves. Slice the onion and chop the tomatoes. Slit the chillies into two.
To cook use a pressure cooker.
Heat oil in a cooker, and add all the dry masalas one after the other, be careful as they may pop.
Next add onions and fry them, followed by beets, tomatoes, and peas.
Continue to fry by adding the ginger garlic paste, followed by mint and cilantro. 
Add the chilli powder and finally the curd. Mix well.
To make the rice really fluffy soak the rice in water for 10-20 minutes before cooking.
I have used sona masoori rice, you can also try the basmati rice. Add the rice to the cooker  and stir so that all the    ingredients coat the rice well.  
Add 2 cups of water( or less if you want it fluffy) and cook for 2-3 whistles. 
Allow the cooker to cool down completely.  Beets Biryani is ready to serve with Raita. 

Adjust the chilli powder according to your taste.
Pressure cookers have different cooking time to make the rice fluffy so cook accordingly.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Cashew Burfi.

Happy Dassara to all my readers! Festive season means, lot of yummy dishes and many get-togethers with family and friends. It is a tradition during Dassara to make prasadam and offer it to God and distribute it to everyone who visits us that day. One such recipe was this Cashew Burfi.
It is a quick n easy dessert which requires very less time, and minimum ingredients.

Cashew nuts: 1 cup.
Sugar: 1 cup.
Ghee:1-2 spoons.
Saffron threads: 2-4.
Parchment paper.

Take a cup of cashews, and grind it into a fine powder, take care not to over grind the cashews as it may turn oily and sticky.
In a heavy bottom pan, dissolve sugar and make it into a syrup.(does not have to get any string consistency).
Once the sugar is dissolved, add the cashew powder and mix well.
Allow the mixture to cook and get thick, make sure to keep stirring so it does not burn at the base. Now its time to add the saffron threads.
 After a few minutes the mixture would slowly get thicker and start leaving the sides of the pan. At this point, add ghee and transfer onto the parchment paper. Allow the mixture to cool for few minutes. Cover the mixture completely with parchment and press using a rolling pin to make a thin sheet.
Cut the sheet into desired shape, and decorate it with edible silver foil or cashew bits.
Cashew Burfi is ready to serve.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Crispy, Spicy Nipattu/ Thattai.

Weather and food always go hand in hand, our food habits change as seasons change. After all the cold salads, smoothies and ice creams for the summer months, we are slowly moving to Fall. The days are short followed by long cold nights. I would love to have a crispy Nipattu with a cup of hot coffee for the evening snack....

To make these nipattus, we need:


Rice flour: 1 cup
Peanut: 1/2 cup (coarsly ground)
Fried Bengal gram: 1/2 cup
Red chilli powder: 1 tsp
Hot oil: 1 tbsp
Oil to fry
Water as required

To begin, take 1/2 cup of fried Bengal gram and grind it into a fine powder. In the same mixer add the peanuts and just give a pulse so that the peanuts are ground into a chunky powder.

Heat oil to deep fry.

In a mixing bowl, take 1 cup of rice flour, the ground mixture, chilli powder, salt and mix well.
To this add 1 table spoon of hot oil, mix well with the flour mixture.

Add required quantity of water to make a stiff dough. The dough should not be too hard or watery, it should not stick to the fingers. Once the dough is mixed add more oil to the surface to keep it moist.

Take a sheet of plastic or a banana leaf and grease it well. Take a lemon size ball of dough and spread the dough using the fingers into small discs, make a hole in the centre and carefully drop them into hot oil, deep fry till golden brown on a medim flame.
Crispy nipattus are ready. These nipattus can be stored for a few weeks in an air tight container and enjoyed.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Krishnajayanthi special! Aval laddu.

Advance Happy Krishna jayanthi to all!
This weekend we will be celebrating the birthday of lord Krishna.  Krishna jayanthi is synonym with making a lot of sweet and savory dishes and offering it to Krishna.
 Aval/poha being his favorite, this receipe is even special. Aval laddu is very easy to make and requires few ingredients. 
It can be made in 20 minutes from start to finish. 
Try this laddu and make your celebration even more fun.

Thick Aval/Poha-3/4 cup.
Roasted Bengal gram-1/4 cup.
Sugar- 1/3 cup.
Cardamom powder-1 pinch.
Cashew- 5(broken into small pieces).
Raisin- 10.
Ghee-1/4 cup( melted).

Clean the aval by removing any dirt and lightly roast on a low flame for 5 minutes till you smell the aroma of Aval.
Then dry roast the Bengal gram for 2 minutes.
Grind aval, bengal gram into a fine powder separately.
Grind sugar into a fine powder.
Using a spoon of ghee, fry the cashews and raisins.
In a mixing bowl, take ground aval, bengalgram powder, cardamom powder, sugar and fried cashew and raisin( mix well).
Heat ghee and add it to the bowl and make the mixture into round balls.
Aval laddu is ready!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Hot or Cold Paneer Payasam.

During my visit to India, I came across the recipe for Paneer Payasam/ came back home, took my own sweet time and finally got the opportunity to try this recipe. The good thing about this recipe is that, it can be made easily and served hot or cold.

Whole milk: 1 Litre.
Condensed milk: 1 Cup.
Dry nuts: cashew, pista and badam( chopped).
Paneer grated: 1 cup.
Saffron: few threads.
Cardamom powder.
Ghee: Few TSp to fry.

Take milk in a heavy bottom pan and bring it to a boil/ simmer until it reduces in half by stirring in between.
Soak the saffron threads in milk( few spoons).
Once the milk is reduced add the condensed milk, saffron soaked milk and cardamom powder and mix well.
Finally add the grated paneer, and simmer it for few minutes.
At last fry the nuts in ghee and add the fried nuts to the milk mixture.
Serve it hot or chill it in the fridge and serve cold.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Chocolate avocado mousse!

Today, I was watching a cooking show and this recipe caught my attention. This mousse is just simple, elegant, and healthy. I happened to have all the ingredients or the closest ones and tried to make it. It turned out great. Do try.

Ripe avocados- 2 no.
Chocolate chips-1/2 cup.
Coco powder- tbsp.
Vanilla extract- 1-2 teaspoon.
Almond milk/ regular milk- 4-5 tbsp/ as required.
Honey/ agave- 1/4 cup.
Salt- a small pinch.

First bring a pot of water to boil and into this pot place another pan with chocolate chips in it, so that the chips melt from the heat of the hot water. Take care not to let any water enter the chocolate. The chocolate chips will melt in few minutes.
Once the chips melt let them cool.
Cut the ripe avocado and remove the inside flesh. Take the avocado, melted chocolate chips, coco powder, honey, vanilla extract and milk into a food processor and process till smooth paste. Add milk as required to get a mousse consistency.
Pour the mousse into a bowl or into individual ramikens and chill them in the fridge for 1 hr and serve them cold.

I have used honey instead of agave and regular milk instead of almond milk.
But still the taste was good. So do try the other ingredients if you like.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Capsicum Kadi!

Kadi is a traditional Gujarati dish made using curd, hence the name. There is an interesting incident as to how I came up with this dish. Here it goes....

One morning my hubby was busy with his office call, which made me think that he would be leaving for work after a while....that would give me plenty of time to make a traditional side dish for rice. But, it so happened that he told me he would be leaving in next 10 minutes as there was an important meeting in the office! This time was not sufficient to make a traditional sambar, or any other side dish. That is when this recipe came to my rescue!!
    From the above information you must have learnt that this is a quick dish!

Capsicum / Bell peppers-2 (Green, Red).
Curry leaves-few.
Red chillies- 2 no.
Jeera/Cumin- 1 tbsp.
Besan flour- 2 tbsp.
Curd-1/2 cup.
Chilli powder-1 teaspoon.
Garam masala-1 teaspoon.
Oil- 4 tbsp.

Start off by chopping the bell peppers into bite size pieces.
Take a wok or a heavy bottom pan, and heat the oil.
Add the cumin seeds, red chillies, and curry leaves to the hot oil followed by bell peppers.
Fry the peppers till tender. 
At this point mix the besan flour with curd and make it into a smooth paste.
Add the besan mixture into the pan, if the mixture is thick add enough water. 
Once the mixture  starts to boil, add the chilli powder and garam masala.
Allow the Kadi to boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
Add salt to taste.
 Kadi is ready. 

Note: Serve with Hot Rice and Ghee!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Home made Easy-Cheesy Garlic Bread!

Garlic breads are classic appetizers served in the Italian restaurants and Pizzerias these days!!!!
In this recipe I have tried to recreate the dish and it turned out pretty good!!!
There are a few steps involved, if we have all the ingredients it is easy to make. We can make use of any regular store bought non-sweet bread to make this appetizer.

There are a few steps involved.

Making Garlic butter- Melt butter in a sauce pan, and add chopped garlic to infuse the garlic flavor through out the butter untill the garlic turns light golden brown.

Moving on to the rest of the process:

Preheat the oven to 400 degree F.
Take store bought bread slices, and lay them on a baking sheet.
To the bread  apply the garlic butter liberally, then add the shredded mozzarella cheese to cover the bread completely. 
Then sprinkle the chopped basil leaves all over the bread.
Lastly season  the bread with salt and pepper and bake them in the oven for 10-12 min, till the cheese melts.
Then rise the temperature to broil and continue to bake till the cheese starts to turn golden brown.
Take out the bread from the oven and cool for few minutes.
 Cut them into long strips and serve them warm with some marinara sauce

Oh! By the way here is the list of ingredients:
Slices of bread- 4 slices.
Butter- 3 Tb sp.
Garlic Clove-1.
Mozerella cheese(shredded)- 2 cups.
Basil leaves- 6-8 leaves.
Salt and pepper.

Monday, May 25, 2015

B-B smoothie!

As summer is approaching we all love to drink and eat something light and cool! This banana blueberry smoothie is a perfect drink.  There are many reasons to make and drink this smoothie....this BB-smoothie is healthy, filling, colorful, and yummy! It can easily be substituted for a meal, as a big glass of this smoothie is so filling.
 The main ingredients in this smoothie are blueberries and bananas. Both these fruits are rich in nutrients and the beautiful color imparted by the blueberries is very attractive!!

Ripe bananas: 2 nos.
 Blue berries: 1/2 cup.( used the frozen berries)
Milk-1/4 cup( acts as a thinner).
Sugar: optional.

Take all the above ingredients into a blender and blend into a smooth mix.
I have not added any sugar, if the banana is not sweet enough, feel free to add sugar as per taste. Serve immediately.

You can vary the quantity to banana and blueberries as per you taste.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Black eyed beans Masala Vada.

We usually make masala vadas with Chana dhal. This recipe is different in that I have used black eyed beans. I tasted this dish for the first time in a friend's place made by a blogger friend of mine. I got the idea to use the black eyed beans and made it my way.

Black eyed beans soaked- 2 cups.( reserve some beans as whole to put in the mixture to add crunch).
Onion finely chopped - 1 medium size.
Green chillies- 3-4 nos.
Cilantro/ coriander - 5-6 sprigs.
Clove and cinnamon powder- pinch each.
Oil to deep fry.

Soak the black eyed beans overnight and drain them completely.
Grind the beans into rough mixture, not too smooth with no or  minimum water.
Chillies can be added when grinding the beans or add them chopped after grinding.
To the ground mixture, add the chopped onion, coriander, chillies, cinnamon-cloves powder , some whole beans, and the very important salt and mix well.
Make them into round vadas and deep fry them in oil till golden brown on both sides.
Use a medium flame as they get dark very soon if the oil is very hot.
Serve as is or with ketchup.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Healthy N Easy Oats Dosa.

Dosa is a favorite dish in my house hold. Traditional dosa is tasty but time consuming. Rice in traditional dosa has to be soaked for at least 3-4 hours/ takes time to grind. But this Oats dosa batter needs less time to prepare and oats instead of rice makes it very healthy too. Guilt free eating.

1 cup of Urd dhal.
4 cups of Oats( rolled oats)
1 tsp of Methi seeds.
1 tb of Chana dhal.
2 tb of Beaten rice( poha/ aval).

Soak  Urd dhal, Methi and Chana dhal in water for 1-2 hours.
Just before grinding the dhal mixture, soak the oats and beaten rice in water.
Grind the dhal mixture, once ground add the soaked oats /beaten-rice and grind the whole thing to make batter by adding required quantity of water.
Leave it over night to ferment. The batter is ready to make dosas.
Serve the dosa with traditional coconut chutney and chutney podi.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Carrot Raisin Cupcakes!!!

It's been so busy with kids and all their activities these days! Activities implies more exercise and more snacks in between meals to keep them going. Like most parents I have tried ready made snacks which I am not very happy giving them, hence tried making a snack for kids that can be healthy, tasty and filling.
Carrot Raisin cupcake is a basic cupcake recipe which I have modified to make it even more nutritious.
So here we go....


  • 2 cups All Purpose Flour.
  • 2 teaspoons Baking Powder.
  • 1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda.
  • 1 cup butter (Melted).
  • 3/4 cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
  • 1 1/2 cup Plain Yogurt.
  • 4 Grated Carrots.
  • 1/4 cup each of chopped Walnuts, Raisins, Almonds and Chocolate chips.
Preheat the oven at 350F.
In a large bowl, take all the dry ingredients, except the carrots, nuts and choclate chips and mix them using a whisk.
Similarly mix all the wet ingredients together.
To the wet ingredients, add the dry mixture and carrots.
 Coat the nut and chocolate chip mixture with all purpose flour and add them to the  cake mix ( this prevents the nuts and chips from sinking to the bottom of the cake).
Mix the whole batter gently with a spatula. Do not over mix.
Line the cup cake pans with liners and spray them with cooking spray to avoid the cakes from sticking. Fill them with the batter
Bake the cup cakes at 350 F for 30-35 minutes or untill a tooth pick comes out clean.

You can also use whole wheat flour instead of All purpose flour, to make it even more helthy.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Kollu podi! Horse- gram powder.

These days I have been hearing a lot about horse gram and how it is not being used as much as it has to be!!!! Horse gram has a lot of goodness especially for people who would love to keep their body weight under control.

I got this recipe from another blog and have modified it slightly for my taste.This horse gram powder is very easy to make and can be used as a side dish with dosa/mixed with rice for lunch.

Horse gram-1 cup.
Dry-Red chillies(adjust per taste)-6/7 nos.
Dry tamarind pulp-1small piece.
Asafoetida-1 pinch.

Dry roast the horse gram, red chillies and tamarind seperately.
Allow them to cool completely.
Coarse grind them.
Store them in a dry container to be used for several days.

Mix this powder with oil and use it with dosa instead of chutney.
Mix this powder with rice and oil and enjoy.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Tangy Mango Rice.

March is the time for spring, It is also time for Mangoes! Not just slurping ripe juicy mangoes is a way to enjoy them, there are many dishes made from Mangoes.
I am sharing with you a rice recipe using mangoes, that is simply delicious!

Unripened mango: 1( grated)
Mustard: 1 tsp.
Chana dhal: 1 tbsp.
Dry red chillies: 2-3 nos.
Chilli powder: 2 tsp(add according to your taste).
Oil: 4 tbsp.
Turmeric: 1 tsp.
Asafoetida: 1 tsp.
Curry leaves: few.
Rice: cooked and cooled (as required).

Cut and grate the mango, leaving out the green outer layer(pic shown below).

  • Cook the rice by adding less than 1:2 water/cool.(sticky rice is not good for this recipe).
  • In a wok, add oil. To the heated oil, add mustard seeds, chana dhal and red chillies one after the other.
  • After tempering, add the grated mango pulp to the tempered oil. 
  • Fry the mango pulp in the oil for 5-6 minutes till it softens.
  • As the mango softens in about 4-5 minutes add turmeric, chilli powder, asafetida and cook for few more minutes. 
  • Continue to fry till oil separates from the mango and looks like the picture below. Add salt to taste.
The mango mixture is ready. Cool it down and then add the rice and mix well. Adjust the salt.
Garnish with fried peanuts.
Yummy tangy mango rice is ready. Enjoy with potato chips or papad.

The mango mixture as is can be used as a side dish with chapaties/paratas.
Mix enough mango paste proportionate to rice to get a good taste.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Easy Muruku!

Gone are the days where moms' and grandmas' used to make big batches of snacks at home. We all buy snacks these days, makes our job easy and quick! Not sure if they are fresh or good for us, which is a dilemma!!!! This easy Muruku can be made quickly and stored for few days.

Rice flour:1 cup.
Besan flour: 1 cup.
Butter: 6 tablespoon.( room temperature).
Cumin: 1 teaspoon.
White sesame seeds:1 Tsp.
Warm water.
Oil: to deep fry.
Green chilli: 1 slit in half.

Take a glass of warm water and soak the slit green chilli for 5-10 mins.
Take a large bowl, gently smooth the butter with your palm.
Add besan and rice flours into the bowl with the butter.
Season with salt. Add the cumin seeds and sesame seeds.
To the bowl add the chilli soaked warm water little by little to make the dough into a soft ball.
As shown in the picture.

Using a Muruku press make the muruku as big or as small as you like.

Deep fry them in preheated oil till golden brown on a medium flame.
Do not put too many at a time while frying.
Once done allow them to cool and store in an airtight container and enjoy with family.

Thai style Noodles.

I love Thai flavours, they really go well with the Indian palate. A good mix of  sweet, sour, salt and spice!! These noodles are great tasting and brings an exotic taste to the table without leaving home or going out to a Thai restaurant!

Thai rice flat noodles.
Carrots: 2 small.
Bell peppers( red, green):1 each.
Green beans: few.
Roasted peanuts: 5 tbsp
Red chilli flakes: 1 tbsp.
Thai chilli: 2 no.
Peanut butter (creamy):  2 teaspoon..
Soy sauce: 4-5 tbsp.
White Sesame seeds: 1teaspoon.
Peanut oil: 4-5 tbsp.

The process of making these noodles begins with chopping all the vegetables into long thin sticks.

Cook the noodles separately in boiling water for the time mentioned in the packet till aldente.
Simultaneously when the noodles are cooking mix the soy sauce, and peanut butter into a smooth paste to be used later.
Dry roast the peanuts and remove the husk. Crush them into rough chunks.
To finally finish the dish:
Take a heavy bottom pan/wok, on medium high heat. Add oil, once the oil is hot add the chilli flakes, chillies and sesame seeds followed by all the veggies.
Stir fry the veggies till tender.
To the tender veggies add the cooked and drained noodles and soysauce- peanut butter mixture.
Mix well till combined, add salt to taste and finally garnish with roasted peanuts and serve hot.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Dill Pulao!

I think every one who cooks, realizes that it is indeed hard to decide what to cook for the next meal! Well I go through this dilemma every day. And to make any meal special is to make dishes that are different and interesting.
I do make different types of pulao but coming back to making it interesting and different I tried the dill pulao today.

Rice: 2 cups.
Dill leaves: 2 bunches.
Onions: 1 large onion (slice half portion and cut into chunks the other half).
Bay leaves: 2 no.
Fresh Green peas:1/2 cup.
Oil: 4-5 table spoon.

Masala: Grind
Green chillies: 4 no.
Ginger: 1 inch.
Garlic:1 clove.
Cinnamon stick : 2 inch pieces.
Cloves: 3 cloves.
Cumin seeds: 1/2 teaspoon.
Onion:1/2 onion cut to chunks.
Coriander leaves: 1/2 cup.

  • Start by soaking the rice for 20 minutes in cold water.
  • Clean the dill leaves and chop them.
  • Slice the onions.(1/2 of the large onion or one small onion).
  • Grind the masala mixture into a smooth paste using very little water
  • I have used a pressure cooker to cook the pulao directly. Place the cooker on a medium heat.  
  • Add oil to the cooking pot, once the oil is hot add the chopped onions, bay leaves followed by the dill leaves and fry them for few minutes. 
  • Then add the peas and drained rice and fry them well.
  •  Once the rice is coated well with oil, add the ground masala and fry till the masala mixes well with the rice.
  • Finally add water (1:2) that is 4 cups to the cooker. As it begins to boil, add salt and cover  the lid and add the weight. 
  • After 2 whistles, switch off the stove and allow it to cool. Your Pulao is ready. 
  • Serve this pulao with any Raitha.

Spice level can be adjusted as per taste.
If you want fluffy rice use less than 1:2 water. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Crispy Fried Okra.

Okra has been used in different ways in Indian cusine. I wanted to try frying  this wonderful vegetable! It is crispy and crunchy and can easily be substitute for Papad or Chips which are used during meals (bit more healthy).

Okra- 10-12 nos.
Bread crumbs: 1 cup.
Chilli powder- 1 teaspoon.
Maida flour- 2-3 tb spoon.
Frying oil.

For this recipe use fresh okra which are tender. Clean the okra and air dry them or wipe with a kitchen towel if using immediately to remove any moisture.
Cut the okra into 1-2 inch pieces and keep aside.
In a bowl mix maida  with water to make a thin paste.
I prepared bread crumbs using left over bread that was at home.( crumble them in a food processor/ mixer).
To the crumbs add salt and chilli powder.
Heat the oil in a frying pan, and start working.
First add the cut okra pieces into the maida flour paste and then dip them into the bread crumb mixture. Coat the okra completely with crumbs.
Fry the okra till golden brown on a medium heat. Repeat the process till all the okra is fried.
They are crisp outside and soft inside and can be enjoyed just as a snack or as part of a meal.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Home made Chocolate Truffle.

Since this weekend coincides with Valentine's Day, what better to do than chocolate truffles.
I came across this recipe while watching a cooking show on TV, and then tried to recreate at home. This is a very simple recipe and anyone can make it, so try it and impress your loved ones on this Valentine's Day.

Condensed milk: 1 can.
Butter: 2 Tbspoon.
Coco powder: 2 Tbspoon.
Vanilla essence: 2 drops.


Add a can of condensed milk into a heavy bottom sauce pan, a nonstick pan works better for this recipe.
Place the pan on a medium flame and add butter and sifted coco powder to the condensed milk.
Finally add the vanilla essence.
Keep stirring the mixture well, untill the condensed milk gets really thick.
Cool it down and form balls of chocolate truffle and dress it up with coco powder.
Mouth watering chocolate truffles are ready!!!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pineapple curry!

Pineapple curry is a combination of sweet and spicy, rich and creamy tasting curry!
It is apt to be used as a side dish with Chapathi, Paratha or with Hot steaming rice. Kids would love to eat this curry! This is very rich and good to bring for parties and get-togethers.

Pineapple cubes: 1 cup.
Coconut milk: 1 can.
Chill powder:1-2 teaspoon.
Freshly ground coriander powder: 2 table spoon.
Curry leaves: few.
Red dry chilli: 2 numbers.
Cumin seeds: 1/2 teaspoon.
Mustard seeds: 1/2 teaspoon.
Oil : 2-3 tablespoon (use canola or coconut oil)
Turmeric powder:1/2 teaspoon.
Salt: To taste.

  • The cooking process starts with a heavy bottom vessel on a stove with medium heat.
  • Add oil to the hot pan, followed by the tempering ingredients like mustard seed,cumin seed, 
  • curry leaves and red dry chillies. 
  • Once the tempering ingredients are fried, add the pineapple chunks. I have used a fresh pineapple that was sweet and ripe( If you do not have fresh pineapples use canned) and fry.
  • To the pineapples add freshly ground coriander powder and fry for few minutes, then add red chilli powder, turmeric powder and continue to fry, till the raw smell is gone! This may take 3-4 minutes, keep stirring as the masala may get burnt easily.
  • Finally add the coconut milk and allow it to simmer for another 4-5 minutes, add salt to taste and the pineapple curry is ready to serve!

  • I have always used canned coconut milk, it gives the curry a good consistency.
  • Adjust the chilli powder measure as per taste.
  • Do not use any strong smelling oils, it will interferes with the taste.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Microwave milkmaid Peda!

Just the thought of eating something sweet and easy to make, then this Peda is great! I always have few cans of condensed milk in my pantry. This time I thought I would use it to make the Peda.
These are very easy to make and delicious.


Condensed Milk: 1 Can.
Curd: few teaspoons.
Microwave vessel.
Coconut flakes.

Open the can of condensed milk and add it to a microwave vessel.
Add the curd, and stir.
Put the mixture into the microwave.
Microwave on high for 2-3 minutes then stop and stir.
Every few minutes repeats this process, keep stirring with a spoon.
Continue  cooking till the mixture becomes think and bubbly. This may take 15- 18 mins.
Once thick, stop and allow it to cool.
Grease your palms with ghee and shape the mixture into small balls.
You can also decorate with coconut flakes.
Microwave Peda is ready.


Use a large microwave dish so that the condensed milk does not overflow.
 Touch the mixture after it cools well or hands can get burnt.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bread bonda!

It was a cold Friday evening and bread bonda was the right snack with the usual evening coffee.
This snack is a bit time taking if you have to make the potato filling, in any case if  there was Potato filling and bread at home, this snack can be made in a jiffy.

  • Potatoes: 3 medium potatoes.
  • Onion: 1 small onion.
  • Green Chillies: 2-3 chillies.
  • Oil: few teaspoon.
  • Chana dhal: 1 teaspoon
  • Cumin: 1 teaspoon.
  • Mustard seed: 1 teaspoon.
  • Turmeric: 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Bread:few slices.
  • Water.
  • Oil to fry.
  • Salt.


To make the filling:

  • First of all boil the peeled potatoes untill they are soft and keep aside 
  • Cool them and smash into chunks.
  • Chop  the onions and chillies.
  • In a pan add oil, once the oil is hot add Mustard seeds, Cumin seeds one after the other.
  • Let the seeds splatter, add the Chana dhal as the dhal turns lightly brown add the onions and chillies and fry. Add the turmeric powder and salt mix well.
  • Lastly add the smashed potatoes, and mix well with the rest of the mixture.
  • The filling is done.            
The outer coat:
Take the bread slices and cut the tough edges.

Slightly dampen the bread with little spray of water to make it pliable.
Keep the filling in the centre and try to cover the filling with the bread completely.

Heath the oil and deep fry the bondas in the oil till they are golden brow.
Enjoy the crispy outer soft insde bondas! Yummy.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Palak Paneer!

This dish is my way of making the North- Indian side dish Palak Paneer! Palak paneer is very popular and this method is easy to make.

Palak/spinach - 1bunch.
Onion-1medium size onion.
Paneer(cut into cubes)- 1 cup.
Curd-3 tablespoon.
Chilli powder- 1teaspoon.
Tumeric-1 pinch.
Garam masala powder- 2 teaspoon.
Ginger- 1inch piece.
Green chili - 1 number.
Curry leaves- 1stick.
Cumin-1 teaspoon.
Oil- few teaspoons.

  • First of all clean the spinach well.
  • Cook the spinach, ginger, chilli in a pressure cooker for 1-2 whistles, with little water just to steam.
  • Once the spinach mixture is cooked allow it to cool and then blend the mixture into a paste. 
  • In a heavy bottom vessel, add 2 tsp of oil and add cumin to splatter then add the curry leaves.
  • Add the chopped onions and fry untill onion turns pink.
  • Pour the ground mixture, and allow it to simmer for few minutes. Once the mixture starts to boil add the chilli powder, garam masal and turmeric and mix. Allow the masalas to cook well, it may take 5-6 mins or untill the raw smell of the masala goes away.
  • At last add the curd and mix well.
  • The paneer cubes can be deep fried separately until golden brown. If  that is not your choice add the raw paneer cubes to the dish and allow it to simmer for few more minutes
  • The dish is ready to be served with chapatti, roti, naan etc.

 Be cautious while deep frying the paneer, due to the water content of the paneer oil will splatter.
 If you like  garlic add garlic to the dish in the  grinding mixture.
Add water to adjust consistency.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Eggless Banana Walnut Cake!

A very easy Cake recipe which comes out perfect every time! I have tried it a couple of times. A great way to use up the ripe bananas!

  • All Purpose flour/Maida/- 1 cup 
  • Baking Powder - 1tsp.
  • Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp.
  • Walnuts - 1/4 cup (roughly chopped).
  • Cardamom- 1-2 pods.( powdered).
  • Brown sugar- 1/2 cup.( add more or less according to taste).
  • Regular sugar- 3 Tbsp.
  • Curd- 1/4 cup.(Thick).
  • Vegetable oil-1/4 cup( used canola) do not use olive or other oil that smells as it interferes with banana flavor.
  • Ripe banana-1.
  • Vanilla essence-1 tsp.
Method :

  • First preheat the oven at 355 degree F. Line the baking pan with parchment paper and grease the inside so the cake comes out easily.
  • Add the flour, and other dry ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix well with a whisk.
  • To this bowl add the rest of the wet ingredients and mix till combined.
  • I ground the banana and made it like a smoothie. If you want just smash it and add.
  • Lastly add the cardamom powder and walnut coated with the dry flour.( so it spreads evenly in the batter).
  • Pour the batter into the baking pan. 
  • Bake it for 40-50 mins or untill a tooth pick inserted in the cake comes out clean. For me it took 50 mins.( keep checking after 35 mins).
  • When it is done, take it out and Keep it aside. The cake will feel  hard and crusty first but allow it to cool completely , approximately 1-2 hours. Then serve.
  • The flavor intensifies after sometime and the cake gets soft as it sits for few hours.

You can use Cinnamon if you like the flavor instead of Cardamom..
If the batter it too thick just add little water to make it to pouring consistency.