Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pineapple curry!

Pineapple curry is a combination of sweet and spicy, rich and creamy tasting curry!
It is apt to be used as a side dish with Chapathi, Paratha or with Hot steaming rice. Kids would love to eat this curry! This is very rich and good to bring for parties and get-togethers.

Pineapple cubes: 1 cup.
Coconut milk: 1 can.
Chill powder:1-2 teaspoon.
Freshly ground coriander powder: 2 table spoon.
Curry leaves: few.
Red dry chilli: 2 numbers.
Cumin seeds: 1/2 teaspoon.
Mustard seeds: 1/2 teaspoon.
Oil : 2-3 tablespoon (use canola or coconut oil)
Turmeric powder:1/2 teaspoon.
Salt: To taste.

  • The cooking process starts with a heavy bottom vessel on a stove with medium heat.
  • Add oil to the hot pan, followed by the tempering ingredients like mustard seed,cumin seed, 
  • curry leaves and red dry chillies. 
  • Once the tempering ingredients are fried, add the pineapple chunks. I have used a fresh pineapple that was sweet and ripe( If you do not have fresh pineapples use canned) and fry.
  • To the pineapples add freshly ground coriander powder and fry for few minutes, then add red chilli powder, turmeric powder and continue to fry, till the raw smell is gone! This may take 3-4 minutes, keep stirring as the masala may get burnt easily.
  • Finally add the coconut milk and allow it to simmer for another 4-5 minutes, add salt to taste and the pineapple curry is ready to serve!

  • I have always used canned coconut milk, it gives the curry a good consistency.
  • Adjust the chilli powder measure as per taste.
  • Do not use any strong smelling oils, it will interferes with the taste.

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